The Marquis de Sade's Justine
A Staged Reading of the Libretto for a New Opera
By Meron Langsner and Silvia Graziano
Directed by David Gram
A Valentine's Day Benefit for Fort Point Theatre Channel
Monday, February 14, 2011
Boston Playwrights' Theatre
949 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
With fabulous food and beverage donations from our friends at Barlow's Restaurant, Channel Cafe, Flour Bakery + Cafe, Gelology, and Sagarino's Market, FPTC's first public benefit celebrated Valentine's Day with the contrarian Marquis' anti-romantic saga of virtue punished and vice triumphant. The reading featured a dozen of our favorite actors: Carolyn Berliner, Brendan Buckley, Megan Cooper, Christie Lee Gibson, Mathias Goldstein, Tim Hoover, Ashley Korolewski, Hugh Long, Robert D. Murphy, Kristina Riegle, Ally Tully, and Mark Villanueva.
photos by Daniel J. van Ackere